Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: online poker should be legalized in Russia

In the reality of the lingering economic recession in Russian Federation many analysts believe that the country is closer to the legalization and start of online poker regulation like never before. Among the supporters of legalization of the virtual game version is the President of the World Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

Новости покера: Кирсан Илюмжинов поддерживает легализацию онлайн-покера в России
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

According to analysts, 20% of the Russia’s population (144 mln. people) are playing online-poker. According to a former member of the British Parliament and journalist of the International Business Times Paul Keetch who is referring to the data provided by the leader of the online poker industry, now players from Russia make up 8.4% of the PokerStars client base.

Since poker in Russia is not currently regulated, the government of the country receives no funds in the form of taxes paid from the operators.

As a former professional online poker player and now a member of the municipal assembly of the Shchukino district in Moscow from the party “Yabloko” Maxim Katz, stated, poker went underground after being banned, and since that time the national budget stopped to receive taxes.

Due to the current crisis, the rumors about the possible legalization of online poker in the country are of interest not only for fans of the game.

One of the supporters of the legalization and regulation of online poker in Russia is the President of the International Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov who told International Business Times the following:

As to online poker and its legalization in Russia, it must be legalized; too many people are playing online. There are no reasons for it to stay underground and illegal. I have already prepared my proposals on its legalization in Russia and submitted them to the Russian government. Moreover, I am actively cooperating with the government to help the online poker become an intellectual sport in Russia.

The support of Ilyumzhinov is definitely of great significance, since, being a businessman and millionaire, the President of the World Chess Federation is Vladimir Putin confidant and he had been actively participating in the Kremlin decision-making in the past.

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